Drug Detox

Top Rated Drug Detox Program

Sylvan Detox is a leading addiction treatment center that features medical detox and inpatient drug rehab treatment programs. Our treatments are clinically driven but also include some alternative and holistic therapies that support the recovery process. Medical detox is, generally, the first step to addiction recovery. At Sylvan Detox, clients can expect 24-hour care and support as they move from drug dependence to freedom. 

What Is Detox Like?

Medical detox at Sylvan is a safe and supportive experience. Our clinicians offer treatments that can reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. Our clinicians are caring and experienced in addiction medicine for outpatient drug rehab. Clinically supervised detox usually lasts for a week, but some people may need a longer time to recover and some less. At Sylvan, we individualize care to ensure each client gets the support they need.

What to Expect During Drug Detox?

During detox, clients can expect to experience some withdrawal symptoms that range from mild to severe. We offer treatments to reduce the severity of these symptoms, helping clients relax comfortably as their body begins to heal from the effects of drug abuse. Symptoms tend to peak between 24 and 72 hours from the last drug use. Rest assured that at Sylvan, we take our clients’ need for comfort seriously and do everything we can to speed recovery and make their detox time as restful as possible.

Symptoms of Detox by Drug Type

Withdrawal symptoms tend to vary depending on the type of drug addiction in question. Opioids, for instance, are known for the flu-like withdrawal symptoms they produce. The following information describes withdrawal symptoms associated with commonly abused drugs.


Benzodiazepines, referred to as benzos for short, include prescription drugs like Xanax and Valium, which are typically prescribed to treat anxiety. These drugs are highly addictive and withdrawal symptoms associated with them include increased anxiety, tremors, feelings of panic, nausea, sweating, muscle aches, and even seizures. Medications can often reduce these symptoms.

Opioids (Heroin)

Opioids like heroin, as mentioned, produced flu-like withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, chills, muscle aches, and fatigue. People can also expect to experience powerful cravings to use heroin. Clinicians at Sylvan can provide medication assisted treatment (MAT) to reduce these cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Stimulants (Cocaine, Meth, etc)

Stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine are highly addictive. During detox, it’s not uncommon for people addicted to these drugs to experience symptoms such as body aches, chills, reduced ability to concentrate, mood swings, insomnia, tremors, anxiety, and depression. People tend to experience powerful cravings to take these drugs again. Meth, in particular, has a tremendously high relapse rate.

Bath Salts

Bath salts refer to synthetic stimulants. These stimulants are often found in products that are not designed for human consumption. Having become addicted to such drugs, a person may experience withdrawal symptoms that include fatigue, slowed cognitive function, muscle aches, anxiety, tremors, and nightmares. Some individuals may experience suicidal thoughts.


Marijuana addictions can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, insomnia, irritability, decreased appetite, headaches, sweating, tremors, and nausea. Many people are under the assumption that marijuana is not addictive, but people can, indeed form an addiction to this drug. 

DXM/Cough Syrup

An ingredient in many cough syrups, dextromethorphan (DMX) is not typically addictive unless used in large doses. Abusing this drug by taking more than recommended doses can result in addiction. DMX withdrawal symptoms include tremors, increased anxiety, insomnia, muscle aches, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating. 


A synthetic psychoactive drug, ecstasy is addictive and can cause withdrawal symptoms that include sleep disturbances, anxiety, irritability, appetite loss, trouble concentrating, and depression. Some people also exhibit problems with their memory as a result of ecstasy addiction. 


Fentanyl is a powerful opioid that is prescribed to treat pain. An opioid drug, Fentanyl is extremely addictive. People who undergo medical detox from this drug often report flu-like symptoms that include nausea, vomiting, tremors, sweating, insomnia, fever, and muscle aches. People also tend to experience strong cravings for the drug. 


Although not all hallucinogenic drugs are known to produce withdrawal symptoms, some of the most commonly abused ones like ketamine and PCP do. These withdrawal symptoms may include sweating, headaches, changes in body temperature, flashbacks, and stiff muscles. Symptoms can become severe and cause increased heart rate, convulsions, and seizures. Because withdrawal can be severe regardless of the drug in question, it’s safest to seek medical detox to undergo this process.


Oxycodone addiction is similar to Fentanyl as it, too, is an opioid narcotic prescribed to treat pain. Like other opioids, Oxycodone is associated with withdrawal symptoms that are flu-like. These symptoms can include muscle ache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and lethargy. Cravings for the drug can also be intense.

Prescription Drugs

Because there are many prescription drugs that include opioids, sedatives, and stimulants, the withdrawal symptoms they can produce can be quite varied. It’s important to remember that prescription drugs can be as addictive and dangerous as street drugs. Their withdrawal symptoms can also trigger health emergencies if left untreated. Mild symptoms can give way to more severe symptoms that cause increased blood pressure or even seizures. For this reason, it’s always safest to undergo detox in a clinical rehab or hospital setting. 

Acute Detox

Acute detox refers to a more intensive detox process. In these cases, clients tend to experience moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms. However, with round-the-clock monitoring and clinical treatment, they can endure the experience more comfortably.

Sub Acute Detox

During sub-acute detox, people tend to experience only mild withdrawal symptoms. They may feel well enough to attend yoga sessions or massage. They are able to function without 24-hour monitoring. 

Why Choose Sylvan Detox for Drug Detox

Sylvan Detox offers round-the-clock monitoring during the medical detox process. We provide clients with treatments and care designed to help them complete the process as comfortably as possible. Once detox is complete, they will be able to enter the next phase of their addiction treatment program. If you are in need of medical detox, contact Sylvan to learn about our enrollment process.

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