Top Sober Living Housing Programs in San Fernando Valley

The road to recovery doesn’t end after medical detox or completing an inpatient rehab program, and that’s why Sylvan Detox, a top drug and alcohol rehab facility in San Fernando Valley, makes sober living a priority. Los Angeles’ No. 1 drug and alcohol rehab is recognized for its work to help people from all backgrounds and walks of life overcome addiction and look forward to a better future. Inpatient rehab provides structure and sober living that can make all the difference in achieving lasting recovery, and Sylvan Detox is ready to help.

Benefits of Sober Living with Sylvan Detox

If you or a loved one struggles with addiction or substance use disorder, then you may benefit from sober living with Sylvan Detox. Sylvan Detox is Los Angeles’ no. 1 drug and alcohol rehab facility. With a strong reputation and clinically-proven treatment methods, Sylvan Detox can help with whatever you’re going through. 

What is sober living? Sober living is when you stay someplace you have a supportive community and can start a new life free from drugs and alcohol. Many times, sober living occurs in residents of sober-living homes where they’re committed to abstaining from substance use. An example would be in-patient residential treatment. 

Inpatient rehab is a treatment program where clients live at the treatment facility for the duration of the program. During the day, patients will receive treatment sessions with structured breaks for relaxation. Then, individuals spend the night at the rehab facility in private or semi-private rooms. Residential treatment offers a high degree of support and includes medical detox to reduce the psychological and physical dependence of your addiction. It’s common for patients to begin inpatient rehab and transition to an outpatient program as they become more stable and independent. If you’re looking for residential sober living in San Fernando Valley, consider seeking treatment at Sylvan Detox, Los Angeles’ no. 1 drug and alcohol rehab facility. 

Living in a sober environment can help you develop new habits and routines that you can take with you on your new sober living journey. Sober living allows you to develop and practice new skills, gain new insight, and shape your new life in recovery with others who may be experiencing something similar to you. 

While there are many benefits to sober living, these are the main ones. 

  • It provides an opportunity to create meaningful relationships: as an addict, the only relationship that matters is the one you had with your substance of choice. However, a sober living environment can be the place you begin to create meaningful relationships that add value to your life. Here, you’ll interact with different kinds of people and learn new perspectives on sobriety that you can apply to your own life. Plus, others in sober living understand the struggles you’re facing and the stress you’re under. Instead of being alone, others around you can help you cope. 
  • It offers ongoing support and structure: without structure and routine, it can be easy to relapse into drugs or alcohol. One of the major benefits of sober living is having the ongoing structure you need in recovery. Many sober living homes have staff that ensures all residents adhere to the guidelines of the house. Plus, they’re there to help you with any problems you may be facing. 
  • It teaches new life skills: as an addict, it can be tough keeping up with obligations and maintaining your health. Sober living is where you’ll relearn those kinds of vital life skills that you need to support yourself independently. Typically, these skills are taught through chores, such as doing laundry, going grocery shopping, going to work every day, finding and keeping a job, exercising, and maintaining your hygiene. Doing these life skills will help you establish a daily routine you can use when you’re out of a sober living home. 
  • It makes the transition from treatment into real life easier: it’s hard to transition into sober living directly after addiction treatment. Sober living homes act as a buffer to make the transition smoother and easier to help reduce the risk of relapse. Additionally, sober living will teach you how to be independent rather than on others or substances. 
  • It lessens the risk of relapse: there are long- and short-term effects of drug or alcohol abuse. Some of these issues include making good decisions, which can lead to relapse. Sober living reduces the chances of relapse because possible triggers aren’t a concern in the way they would be if someone immediately went home after treatment. 
  • It offers access to connections and resources: it can be hard to network and succeed at things like finding a job or continuing your education after rehab. Sober living homes are equipped with resources to help you find your way

Why Choose Sylvan Detox For Sober Living in San Fernando Valley

Sylvan Detox isn’t your normal drug and alcohol rehab facility. To be exact,  it’s a luxury facility that provides the perfect environment for clients to detox with comfort. One of the best things about Sylvan Detox is that it features modern furniture and fixtures, as well as semi-private rooms for each patient. Additionally, there are spacious common rooms and access to outdoor living areas for residents to enjoy. As a bonus, Sylvan Detox values the safety of residents and has 24/7 security and on-site staff to secure residents around the clock. 

Another benefit to Sylvan Detox is a medically-assisted treatment to help with symptoms of withdrawal. At Sylvan Detox during MAT, patients receive 24/7 monitoring, as well as access to a safe and comfortable environment. In conjunction with MAT, Sylvan Detox also offers alternative therapies, such as yoga, sound therapy, massage, and more. 

Another reason to choose Sylvan Detox for sober living is the dedicated staff. The truth is, you won’t find addiction professionals like this anywhere but here. From nurses to therapists, every Sylvan Detox staff member is dedicated to providing each patient with the highest level of quality care possible. 

Sylvan Detox has the lavish amenities that every individual wants while they’re going through addiction recovery. Every item in the semi-private patient rooms was curated specifically to supplement your physical and emotional well-being. Take advantage of Sylvan’s relaxing amenities, such as gaming consoles, foosball, corn hole, a 24-hour stocked snack area, common areas, and an hour patio with a barbeque. 

Regardless of your addiction, Sylvan Detox is here to provide you with the highest level of care. If you or a loved one struggles with addiction, seek help from Sylvan Detox. 

Women’s Sober Living San Fernando Valley

No matter your gender, each individual will have unique needs and preferences during recovery treatment. That’s why men and women each have their programs. At women’s sober living in San Fernando Valley, women can live with others of the same gender. 

This is beneficial for a few reasons. For one, some women find it comforting to be surrounded by those of the same gender. Secondly, some women may have trauma from men, making them feel uncomfortable or unsafe while around them. Therefore, there are gender-specific sober living options. 

A female sober living home caters more to the needs of women during the transition between addiction treatment and independent living. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the length of time necessary for substance abuse treatment, including sober living, can directly increase the outcome of recovery. Living in a female-only sober living home, residents can transition back into society with the support of a built-in network of other sober women. 

Men’s Sober Living San Fernando Valley

Similar to women’s sober living, there are also men’s sober living environments. Men’s sober living in San Fernando Valley provides an opportunity for men to live in a space while also focusing on their sobriety. Typically located in residential areas, men’s sober living homes provide structure and support to help residents stay on track. 

Aftercare & Alumni Support

Recovery doesn’t stop once you’ve graduated from sober living. Continuing to say no after returning to your everyday life is a whole new challenge, which is why aftercare and alumni support is so important. 

Aftercare is when a person finishes their addiction treatment program and patients come up with a plan to continue recovery in real life. Many rehab facilities, including Sylvan Detox, offer aftercare services and alumni support to past residents. 

During this time, you’ll have several resources to use to develop an aftercare plan. Common components of an aftercare plan include: 

  • Moving into sober living for some time
  • Transitioning into an intensive outpatient program (IOP)
  • Regularly checking in with your counselor or case manager
  • Going to individual and group therapy sessions
  • Participating in the alumni program at your rehab facility
  • Attending recovery meetings, such as 12-step programs or something similar
  • Finding a sponsor or sober mentor
  • Establishing a set support system to lean on for additional support

Two common parts of an effective aftercare program are individual and group therapy sessions. While individual sessions allow you to process and work through things you didn’t get to in treatment, group therapy offers support from your peers to help you feel less alone in your recovery journey. 

Ultimately, the goal of aftercare and alumni programs is to implement the tools you learned in treatment for alcohol and drug in San Fernando Valley to prevent relapse. At Sylvan Detox, you’ll work with addiction professionals to develop a customized aftercare plan made just for you.