Rehab Near Me: Best Detox & Rehab for Addiction in Los Angeles

Realizing you need help to control your substance abuse is a huge step towards recovery. With so many options for drug detox and rehab in Los Angeles, finding the program that is best for you can feel overwhelming. Sylvan Detox offers effective, evidence-based recovery programs to help anyone find long-term recovery, no matter how severe their substance use disorder is. Our small 6-bedroom facility in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, allows our multidisciplinary team to place plenty of focus on each resident and provides an added level of privacy.  

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Best Drug Rehab Center for Los Angeles Residents

When searching for the best drug rehab center in Los Angeles, Sylvan detox offers top-rated care in a luxury setting. With a large variety of evidence-based addiction treatments, services, and holistic therapies, we can create individualized treatment programs to address each client’s unique issues with addiction. Patients can partake in long-term recovery programs with several levels of care including medical detox, residential inpatient treatment, partial hospitalization program (PHP), intensive outpatient program (IOP), virtual rehab, outpatient treatment, and aftercare programs.   

Types of Addiction Treatment For Drug Addiction We Offer

Sylvan Detox creates personalized treatment programs that work because we offer numerous addiction treatment therapies and services which can be tailored to each patient. Treatment programs are adjusted to how you progress and which therapies yield the best results. Some of the addiction treatments we offer include, but are not limited to:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy
  • Life and social skills
  • Creative healing
  • Anger management
  • Relapse prevention
  • 12 step principles
  • Cognitive restructuring
  • Family education and therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Holistic therapies and classes
  • Dual diagnosis treatment

Inpatient Drug Rehab

Residential inpatient drug rehab at Sylvan Detox offers the most intensive treatment program. Patients will reside at our rehab facility where they undergo a structured addiction treatment schedule. Inpatient treatment presents a valuable opportunity to separate yourself from the outside world, triggers, and stressors to fully focus on yourself and your recovery, creating a solid foundation for the recovery process.

Outpatient Drug Rehab

Outpatient treatment at Sylvan Detox is available in varying levels. While outpatient rehab is best as a step down from inpatient treatment, it can be a starting point for those with milder addictions, who have a stable and supportive home environment, and need to continue going to work or school while in recovery. Outpatient treatment is especially beneficial while transitioning from inpatient rehab back into the real world as it delivers plenty of support from clinicians and peers.

Heroin Rehab

Heroin addiction often presents with severe physical and psychological addiction. Medical detox is recommended as the first step towards recovery from heroin addiction as it includes medication-assisted treatment and around-the-clock medical care to safely detox. Rehab programs will include various addiction therapies to address the underlying issues while teaching healthy coping mechanisms and tools to self-manage cravings and triggers in the real world.

Meth Rehab

Meth addiction often results in severe physical and mental health effects. Meth rehab at Sylvan Detox not only treats the addiction itself, but it also aims to heal the negative impacts of meth on the body, mind, and spirit through health and wellness classes, nutrition, exercise, and various other holistic modalities. Dual diagnosis treatment will address co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety which have resulted from meth abuse.

Benzo Rehab

While benzodiazepines are quite effective in treating anxiety and sleep disorders, they also have a high dependency potential. Attempting to stop benzo’s use abruptly after dependency has developed can lead to dangerous withdrawal symptoms including seizures. Benzo rehab at Sylvan Detox will include a safer tapering down schedule overseen by a physician and dual diagnosis treatment to address underlying anxiety and sleep disorders.

Prescription Drug Rehab

Certain prescription medications can cause dependency or addiction. Prescription drug rehab at Sylvan Detox can help you safely and comfortably end your reliance on prescription medications through our prescription drug rehab in Los Angeles City. Continuing with rehabilitation programs can deliver behavioral health therapies to address addiction and co-occurring disorders. Our programs not only help those with addiction but also those who have simply developed physical dependence on their prescription medications and would benefit from guidance to greatly reduce or eliminate uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Cocaine Rehab

Cocaine addiction typically results primarily in psychological and behavioral issues. Residential drug rehab in Los Angeles furnishes a drug-free, controlled environment to eliminate giving in to severe cravings which are common during the beginning stages of cocaine recovery. Individual and group therapy sessions will help clients address negative behaviors, emotions, and habits that have contributed to cocaine addiction while replacing them with positive ones and coping skills for successful long-term recovery.

How Long Is Rehab?

All rehab programs at Sylvan Detox in Los Angeles are personalized and will vary in length. Patients generally complete rehab programs in 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day lengths. Clinicians will work with you to determine which recovery program length and levels of care are best for your specific case. Factors such as the length of addiction, the severity of substance abuse, the presence of co-occurring disorders, and how you progress through treatment will determine the length of rehab.

What Is Rehab Like?

Drug rehab will look differently for each patient. Our programs at Sylvan Detox begin with a thorough initial assessment to create an effective personalized treatment program. Residential inpatient rehab will require you to stay at our luxury treatment facility in private or semi-private rooms which include nutritious chef-made meals and housekeeping services. Outpatient clients will travel to the treatment facility several days a week for an allotted block of time. You will participate in various individual and group therapy sessions, and recreational activities, and have personal downtime.  

12-Step Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

Sylvan Detox incorporates 12-step principles, like those used in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. These peer support groups have helped many decades overcome addiction and maintain sobriety. We also encourage patients to seek out 12-step meetings in Los Angeles as part of their outpatient program to gain a powerful support network and resources after completing rehab.

Executive Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

Drug addiction does not discriminate and even those in high-ranking positions at their jobs and professionals can develop substance use disorders. These individuals often find it difficult to get the help they need because they cannot take an extended period of time off work. Our executive drug rehab program in Los Angeles allows patients to use computers and phones to work remotely while in inpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment and virtual rehab are other options available that allow clients to continue working while in a recovery program.

Breathwork Therapy

Sylvan Detox incorporates many holistic therapies into our conventional treatment programs. Breathwork therapy has been shown to help those in recovery regulate emotions and stress naturally. Breathwork therapy includes guided breathing exercises to produce feelings of calm and reduce anxiety, which is a powerful relapse prevention tool.  

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of individual therapy that helps patients identify negative behaviors, emotions, or thought patterns impacting substance abuse. Counselors will teach patients various tools to manage relapse triggers and regulate their emotions. CBT is one of the most commonly used forms of psychotherapy for substance use disorders.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy which aims to teach patients distress acceptance, interpersonal efficacy, emotional regulation, and mindfulness. DBT is a valuable tool in dual diagnosis treatment as it aims to help patients identify negative behaviors and emotions related to substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.

Family Systems Therapy

Family dynamics can affect and be affected by addiction. Sylvan Detox includes family systems therapy to help mend relationships affected by substance abuse and help loved ones learn better ways to support you through your recovery. Family therapy can also help families communicate better, set boundaries, talk about their feelings in a safe environment, and break codependent or enabling behaviors.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

Individuals in recovery often have a history of trauma or struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma-informed therapy is a set of guidelines therapists follow to recognize trauma and emphasize safety during recovery to avoid any trauma triggers. Our therapists at Sylvan Detox are also aware of how substance abuse treatment can be triggering for those with traumatic experiences from medical care and will keep open communication about your treatment plan.

Why Choose Sylvan Detox For Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

Los Angeles residents have access to our top-rated luxury rehab center at Sylvan Detox. We aim to furnish our residential facility with several comforts and luxury amenities without sacrificing quality, evidence-based addiction treatment that works. As you heal from the underlying issues and effects of addiction, you will also gain the necessary skills and tools to manage your addiction for a lifetime. With Sylvan Detox rehab programs, you have the ability to overcome addiction once and for all. Please call us today and start walking the road to recovery.