Addiction Treatment Center in Los Angeles | Detox, Rehab for Alcohol, RX, Drugs

Overcoming addiction to drugs or alcohol can be severely challenging on your own. Even if you are initially successful, it is often short-lived. Drug and alcohol detox and rehab programs at Sylvan Detox in Los Angeles long-term can provide you with the best chance at long-term recovery. Comprehensive treatment programs will include various treatments and services to address the underlying causes of addiction. With the help of clinicians, you can identify and heal the root cause of addiction. Clinicians can also provide the right tools and skills necessary to self-manage triggers, cravings, and co-occurring disorders independently for a lifetime.

Sylvan Detox features medical detox and residential inpatient treatment programs. If you are living in San Fernando Valley and want to end your dependence on alcohol or drugs, Sylvan Detox can help. 

Why Choose Sylvan Detox

Drug and alcohol recovery centers come in a variety of environments. Sylvan Detox offers Los Angeles residents the opportunity to receive evidence-based, clinically driven addiction treatment in a comfortable, luxury rehab facility. Individuals struggling with alcohol, illicit drug, or prescription drug addictions can find long-term recovery through our personalized treatment programs. We offer several levels of care including medical detox which include 24/7 supervision from a team of doctors, nurses, and counselors. Clients with co-occurring disorders will also find relief from mental health issues during their recovery through our dual-diagnosis treatment program. With Sylvan Detox, you do not need to choose between luxury rehab services and quality addiction treatment.

Highest Rated Alcohol Detox Program

Alcohol dependence and addiction can lead to dangerous withdrawal symptoms such as delirium tremens, seizures, and cardiac arrest. When attempting to stop drinking after prolonged or severe abuse, Sylvan Detox offers the safest and rated supervised detox program in Los Angeles. A team of board-certified doctors and nurses will monitor your vitals around the clock to ensure your safety and administer medications to ease withdrawal symptoms. We use FDA-approved medications and holistic therapies to reduce or even eliminate withdrawal symptoms. You can detox in comfort in our private and semi-private non-hospital facility which includes a variety of amenities including an on-site chef.

Drug Detox Program

Certain illicit and prescription drugs may also cause some dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Even other drugs that may not have life-threatening symptoms, may still lead to medical emergencies such as extreme dehydration, suicidal tendencies, or cardiac arrest. With our drug detox in Los Angeles City, we can give you and your loved ones peace of mind during the withdrawal process. Clients are monitored around the clock by board-certified medical staff who will ensure your safety and quickly act in the case of a medical emergency. We use FDA-approved medications to ease drug withdrawals and cravings, making the process much easier on your body than attempting detox on your own. Our controlled, drug-free environment ensures you successfully complete detox.

Top Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles

Sylvan Detox in Los Angeles is a top-rated rehab facility as well. Individuals who have successfully completed alcohol detox in Los Angeles City can easily transition into our alcohol rehab program which uses effective, evidence-based addiction treatments to heal the root causes of alcohol abuse. Upon admission, clinical staff will complete a thorough physical and psychological evaluation to create a personalized treatment plan. Clients reside in a resort-style treatment facility for their program, including freshly prepared, nutritious meals by a private chef and housekeeping services. Treatment plans are highly structured and scheduled with various clinically driven therapies and services, holistic treatments, and personal free time.

Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

Drug rehab at Sylvan Detox will begin with a thorough evaluation from our clinicians to determine your treatment program needs. They will use this information to create a personalized treatment plan that identifies and heals the root cause of addiction. Therapists will help clients work through various trauma, mental health disorders, and other issues related to their addiction while teaching health coping skills and tools to manage triggers. Clients will build a solid foundation in their recovery while at our rehab facility and be able to live a life free from drugs.

How Much Does Rehab Cost in Los Angeles?

Drug and alcohol rehab costs will vary depending on the treatment program, treatment facility, length of rehab, as well as several other factors. While rehabilitation programs may seem costly, rehab centers can offer financing plans, organizations offer scholarships, and health insurance plans may cover some or all rehab costs. How much your insurance covers rehab will depend on your plan. Our intake specialists at Sylvan Detox can give you an idea of what your treatment plan may look like, how much it will cost, and financing options, and help verify your insurance for you.

How Long is Detox?

Drug and alcohol detox length will vary from person to person. Factors such as type of substance(s) abused, the severity of addiction, length of substance abuse, weight, age, sex, and overall health can influence how long it takes to fully detox. In general, most people detox from drugs and alcohol within a week but can last up to 10 days. Patients begin to feel withdrawal symptoms within hours of their last drink or dose and symptoms will peak two to three days later. Occasionally some people may experience mild, lingering withdrawal symptoms known as Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) which can last several weeks or months later.

How Long is Rehab?

The length of alcohol and drug rehab will also vary from case to case. Most of our clients at Sylvan Detox find they are able to complete their treatment milestones in about a month. However, individuals struggling with severe addiction, long substance abuse, or co-occurring disorders, may need longer treatment programs to work on and break negative behavioral patterns. Our treatment programs will be tailored to your addiction and personal needs and our staff will work with you to find the best treatment length for you. Generally, clients complete recovery programs in 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day lengths. All programs can be shortened or lengthened depending on your progress.

30-Day (Short-Term Rehab)

Short-term rehab, or rehab that lasts 30 days or less, helps those with milder addictions gain back control of their lives in a short period of time. Sylvan Detox creates personalized 30-day programs consisting of various addiction therapies and services to address and heal the root cause of addiction. Short-term rehab allows patients to gain a solid foundation in their recovery through structured treatment programs, getting them back to work and their daily lives quickly and with the necessary tools to manage cravings and triggers. 30 days in inpatient treatment can provide the type of environment in an intensive format to successfully deal with intense cravings and temptation early on in recovery. Outpatient treatment and aftercare programs are encouraged to lay out a seamless transition back to daily life with enough support from clinicians and a solid relapse prevention plan.

Long-Term Rehab (60 – 90 Days)

Individuals with co-occurring disorders or severe drug or alcohol addictions require long-term rehab which can last 60 days, 90 days, or more if necessary. Spending an extended period of time in a rehab program will allow you to slowly work through various therapies which will address the underlying issues of your addiction. Patients can also spend more time working on breaking negative behaviors and habits related to substance abuse and replacing them with more positive ones. Clinical staff will also have adequate time to incorporate several other therapies and services such as vocational and life skill training, to help patients live a successful independent life free of drugs and alcohol.

Additional Therapies & Addiction Treatments Available

Sylvan Detox offers a variety of addiction treatments for clinicians to develop personalized treatment plans that work. Treatment programs will address every unique aspect of your addiction and help you build the necessary tools and skills to manage triggers and cravings. Our treatment programs are built on clinically driven, evidence-based addiction therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, medication-assisted treatment, EMDR, dual diagnosis treatment, and group therapy sessions. We also incorporate various holistic therapies such as saltwater therapy, yoga, and breathwork therapy to help clients heal the body, mind, and spirit from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse.

Does My Insurance Have Coverage for Rehab?

The Affordable Care Act has required health insurance companies to include mental health and substance abuse treatment in all their insurance plans. Insurance may cover some or all your rehab costs. How much is covered depends on your individual plan? You need to keep in mind you may need to meet a deductible before benefits kick in or a copay amount. Sylvan Detox can help verify your insurance and benefits through a simple online form. You can also call us and one of our addiction specialists will gladly help verify your plan and walk you through your benefits.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) is an important tool used in substance abuse treatment. Our medical detox program includes 24/7 medical care from a team of doctors and nurses who can administer FDA-approved medications to ease withdrawals and cravings and keep your vitals in check. MAT is used throughout the recovery process as a way to enhance psychotherapy effectiveness, prevent relapses, reduce long-term cravings, and assist in brain function. Dual diagnosis treatment also uses MAT to help those with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder find relief quickly as they learn ways to manage their disorders through psychotherapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one form of psychotherapy used in addiction treatment that can be quite effective in getting individuals to recognize and break negative behavioral patterns related to drug and alcohol addiction. CBT is a type of one-on-one therapy with a trained therapist. Patients can talk about various aspects of their lives related to their substance abuse or co-occurring disorders. As problematic behaviors and thought patterns are identified, therapists will offer ways to replace them with healthier, positive ones. Dual diagnosis frequently uses CBT to help patients gain control over various mental health disorder symptoms, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy that aims to help patients live in the moment and live a life they feel good about. Core skills taught in DBT include how to deal with difficult situations, mindfulness in gaining awareness of thoughts and emotions without judgment, emotional regulation, and managing interpersonal relationships. Sylvan Detox counselors use DBT to help our patients increase their awareness surrounding self-harming behavior such as substance abuse, so they can change those behaviors. Patients are also more committed to their sobriety and have increased motivation through various techniques and activities.

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, or REBT, is a type of action-oriented cognitive behavioral therapy. Patients learn how to manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a healthier manner and how to deal with irrational beliefs. Patients at Sylvan Detox will learn how their negative thoughts and beliefs have created emotional distress which has led to unhealthy behaviors, such as substance abuse. We use REBT to help patients get to the root of their addiction.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Often, mental health disorders like PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, are common in those with substance use disorders. Referred to as co-occurring disorders, they can be the cause of or result from addiction and create a vicious cycle. Dual diagnosis treatment aims to treat all co-occurring disorders simultaneously to give patients their best chance at healing their mind and spirit for successful long-term recovery. Through various psychotherapy techniques, holistic treatments, and medication-assistedminds treatment, patients will manage mental health disorders without the use of drugs or alcohol, breaking the cycle of sobriety and relapse once and for all.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

An interactive psychotherapy technique, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) aims to relieve past trauma, psychological stress, and painful memories. An EMDR therapist will lead the patient through a series of bilateral (side-to-side) eye movements while recollecting triggering experiences or past traumatic events in small segments. Over time with repeated sessions, those memories will no longer cause the same physical or emotional effects on a person. EMDR is beneficial in relieving PTSD and other mental health disorder symptoms.

Relapse Prevention

Drug and alcohol addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder that requires constant management. Relapse prevention is one of our most important tools for patients graduating at Sylvan Detox. We teach our patients how to identify relapse triggers, recognize signs of an oncoming relapse, and develop a plan on how to handle those situations. Part of your relapse plan will also include ways you will keep working on your sobriety independently, healthy conscious practices, and coping skills and tools to manage triggers. We encourage patients to include 12-step meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous into their relapse prevention plan.

Life Skills Training

Addiction can completely take over a person’s life and cause them to miss out on several events in life, including learning essential life skills necessary for independent living. Sylvan Detox incorporates group discussions and classes that focus on teaching clients the necessary skill to reintegrate successfully into the real world. During life skill training, clients can identify and practice skills to live their life independently. Some skills taught in this group include cleaning, cooking, budgeting finances, work-life balance, communication skills, succeeding in a job, building an exercise routine, nutritional counseling, and mastering interpersonal skills.

Vocational Training

Sylvan Detox helps patients find and maintain successful employment. Having a stable job is critical for successful recovery as it helps you gain financial independence, creates accountability, and reduces financial stress triggers that may lead to a relapse. Having a job can also help you maintain a routine. Vocational training during drug and alcohol rehab will teach interviewing skills, resume-building skills, and self-management skills so patients can find a job after completing rehab. We can also help provide you with resources to help you find a job.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is an essential part of addiction treatment programs at Sylvan Detox. Patients will attend several group recovery therapy sessions a week which are led by a trained therapist or counselor. Group therapy sessions will vary in topics including aftercare planning, life skills training, daily goals, health and wellness, emotional self-regulation, anger management, and psychoeducation. This is a great opportunity to learn from peers and provide mutual support. Group therapy also helps patients create lasting connections and friendships, which can create a lasting support network for individuals in recovery. It is normal to find sharing and participating in group therapy difficult at the beginning, however as you build better interpersonal skills and self-esteem, participation will become easier and you will gain greater benefits.

Experiential Therapy

Our programs at Sylvan Detox are personalized to each individual and will include various forms of therapy so you can explore what works best for you. Some people do not respond as well to traditional therapy settings, where you sit with counselors discussing various aspects of your life surrounding addiction. Experiential therapies are hands-on, engaging activities that can help those struggling with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders work through their issues much more easily. This non-traditional therapy setting includes making art, creating music, recreational therapy, role-playing, adventure therapy, and animal therapy to help patients work through repressed feelings and emotions. These types of interactive experiences may resonate more with some patients and we will incorporate more of these therapies if that is what fits you best.

One-on-One Therapy

Also known as individual therapy, one on one therapy is often the main focus of substance abuse recovery programs to help patients work through their individual issues surrounding addiction. You will meet with your primary psychotherapist in a private and safe setting, and they will guide you through various behavioral therapies depending on your personal needs and how you respond to therapy. Our multidisciplinary staff is trained in various forms of therapy to help you find the type of behavioral health treatment that works best for you. You can discuss and work through the most intense parts of your life and addiction to heal underlying issues. Therapists will provide you with tools, feedback, and coping strategies to deal with those issues in a positive way.

Family Therapy

Drug and alcohol addiction can have far-reaching effects, including on your loved ones and relationships. Family therapy can help mend broken relationships caused by substance abuse. This is also an opportunity for loved ones to learn how to better communicate, set healthy boundaries, and better support you in your recovery. Through family therapy, unhealthy family dynamics such as codependent and enabling behaviors can be fixed. Addiction is a fairly new concept for anyone; most people do not know how to handle their loved one’s substance abuse or recovery. Family therapy is an important tool for not only healing but also educating.

Trauma-Informed Therapy 

Our therapists at Sylvan Detox are trauma-informed and will assume that patients have a history of traumatic events so they can ensure they feel safe and heard. Trauma-informed therapy is a way therapists and treatment facilities interact with clients. We are aware that your addiction treatment may trigger those who have experienced trauma, including issues surrounding medical care, authority figures, and other PTSD issues. Staff will be aware of the signs of trauma and ensure they interact with you in a way that avoids re-traumatization. We will always be transparent about your therapies and include your treatment planning.

Physical Fitness

Physical exercise can be a powerful tool in recovery and relapse prevention. Sylvan Detox incorporates physical fitness into treatment programs through recreational activities, exercise classes, and fitness counseling to help the body and mind heal themselves. Exercise can help the body regulate endorphins again, provide structure, reduce cravings, create a routine, and build body-mind awareness. Clients will explore various exercise ways to find what speaks to them best and becomes something they look forward to in their day.

Off-Site Activities

The work you put into your recovery while in drug and alcohol rehab can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Part of your rehabilitation program at Sylvan Detox includes personal downtime so you can relax and decompress. We also incorporate off-site activities in addition to daily recreational time at the treatment facility to ensure you are happy and comfortable as well. Off-site activities are beneficial to the recovery process, reducing feelings of isolation and allowing patients to experience the real world in their newfound sobriety. This is an excellent chance to apply what you have learned in treatment including managing triggers and interacting with others without being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

12-Step Rehab in Los Angeles

12-step support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have helped many people for decades find and maintain sobriety. We incorporate 12-step programming into our treatment plans at Sylvan Detox in order to acquaint clients with 12-step principles that can improve spiritual health. We encourage patients to participate in 12-step meetings in Los Angeles as part of their aftercare programming. Peer support groups can help individuals maintain active recovery, be accountable, and have a sober community to lean on. 12-step programs are based on a series of steps that promote recovery and can help members find sponsorship.

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental health disorder in the US. They are characterized by persistent, but often unfounded fears that interfere with work, social activities, daily life, and relationships. Anxiety symptoms manifest physically and psychologically, including nervous feelings, increased heart rate, sweating, insomnia, and trembling. Anxiety is a common co-occurring disorder with substance abuse. At Sylvan Detox, our dual diagnosis program will address anxiety disorders along with addiction so patients can manage their conditions successfully upon completing drug and alcohol rehab.

Bipolar Disorder

Similar to other mental health disorders, individuals with bipolar disorder often turn to substance abuse as a way to cope with their symptoms. Unfortunately, substance abuse can exacerbate bipolar disorders and cause a vicious cycle that leads to addiction. The polar disorder is characterized by mood swings between intense emotional highs and lows. As with other mental health disorders, bipolar disorder exists on the spectrum, with some people experiencing severe symptoms that fluctuate daily. Substance abuse can also bring out bipolar disorder in those who were predisposed to the disorder. Dual diagnosis treatment at Sylvan Detox will use psychotherapy and medication-assisted treatment to help patients manage bipolar disorder while receiving substance abuse treatment.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) affects an individual’s self-image, mood, and pattern of behavior. BPD causes a distorted perception of reality and themselves, which can lead to a tendency toward impulsive actions and unstable relationships. Individuals with BPD often struggle with relationships and work, turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with difficult emotions. Continued substance abuse can lead to changes in the brain which cause dependency and eventually addiction. Those with BPD who abuse substances will find both effectsare magnified. BPD symptoms that are worsened with substance abuse include depression, lack of concern for safety and health, impulsive and destructive behaviors, instability, and mood swings.


Codependent behaviors and relationships are common among those with alcohol and drug addiction. Codependency exists among couples, parents and children, siblings, and even friends. Often, one person will feel a need for rescuing or enabling the other person in an attempt to validate themselves. Codependents may feel that taking care of an addict gives them a sense of worth which leads them to enable the addict so continue their substance abuse and need their help. They may also feel the other person’s happiness depends on them, putting the other person’s needs in front of their own which can lead to feelings of resentment. Family therapy at Sylvan can help break codependent or enabling behaviors Which will improve relationships and teach loved ones how to better support the person in recovery.


Depression is another common Co-occurring disorder in drug and alcohol addiction. Often individuals will use substance abuse to cope with their condition. Substance abuse can also lead to feelings of depression and individuals, causing worsening symptoms of both conditions. Depression can lead to several physical and emotional symptoms including feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and loneliness, as well as fatigue and physical pain. Dual diagnosis programs at Sylvan will use psychotherapy, medication-assisted treatment, holistic therapy, and lifestyle changes to address depression in our patients. Drug withdrawals can greatly amplify symptoms of depression and call suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Our medical detox program will include 24/7 supervision to ensure the safety of patients with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Impulse Control Disorder

Impulse control disorder is characterized by trouble controlling emotions or behaviors. These behaviors can violate others’ rights or conflict with societal norms and the law. Substance abuse and impulse control disorder often occur together and share similar features, such as compulsive behaviors and a lack of self-control, including substance use.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 

Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD is a mental health disorder that occurs after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Those with PTSD often use substance abuse to self-medicate feelings of anxiety, stress, and fear. Dual diagnosis treatment will treat PTSD with psychotherapy, medication-assistedtrauma-informe treatment, group therapy, and holistic treatments. Our trauma informed the team at Sylvan is sensitive to those suffering from PTSD and will ensure they feel safe in treatment.

Why Choose Sylvan Detox?

Sylvan Detox is a top-rated drug and alcohol detox and rehab facility in Los Angeles. We offer a wide range of addiction therapies and holistic treatment to create effective personalized treatment plans. Residents of Los Angeles can recover from drug and alcohol addiction in a tranquil, relaxing environment at our luxury facility. With 24/7 supervision and medical care, you can rest easy knowing you or your loved one is taken care of throughout their recovery program.

If you would like to learn more about our drug and alcohol rehab programs, please do not hesitate to call us today and start the journey toward recovery.