Top Rated Outpatient Drug Rehab Center in Beverly Hills

Overcoming a substance use disorder requires making life-long changes. The best way to overcome an addiction is with the support of a high-quality addiction treatment center. Sylvan Detox offers high-quality substance abuse treatment with clinically-driven programs and a luxury environment. Our Beverly Hills rehabs specialize in evidence-based treatments complemented by holistic therapies. By individualizing treatment for each client and treating their mind, body, and spirit, we can support whole-person recovery. 

If you’re struggling with drug addiction, you have various options when it comes to substance abuse treatment in Beverly Hills. Sylvan Detox features medical detox programs for drugs and alcohol as well as inpatient treatment plans. Other locations in our network offer outpatient treatment. If you’re considering enrolling in or transitioning to an outpatient program, the following information will help you decide if it’s the right treatment course for you. 

Drug Rehab That Allows You to Still Go To Work & School

About 70% of people who have a substance use disorder have a job. People can enroll in residential treatment without losing their job, of course, but many people want to continue to work. Outpatient treatment programs allow them to do so. Some clients are enrolled in school or training programs and don’t want to drop out of those classes to enroll in inpatient rehab. The flexibility of an outpatient plan allows them to continue to work, attend school, or care for their families.

Additionally, some people simply want to reside in their own homes. Clients who have supportive home environments and are willing and able to maintain their therapy sessions often do quite well in getting addiction treatment on an outpatient basis. Even so, clients who are highly unstable or do not have a supportive or healthy home environment should consider Sylvan Detox’s inpatient treatment programs. 

Benefits of Outpatient Drug Rehab

There are many advantages associated with outpatient drug rehab. These include:

Flexible Scheduling

Many outpatient treatment programs offer therapy sessions in the mornings afternoons, evenings, and on weekends. More scheduling options make it easier for clients to attend work and therapy. Some clients have families they need to care for or other obligations. With a flexible treatment plan like intensive outpatient treatment, clients can maintain their responsibilities and still get the support they need.

Real-Time Support

Another advantage of outpatient drug rehab is that clients can get help with issues they’re currently having in their everyday lives. Therapists can help them manage their current stressors, which are bound to occur as individuals make many changes to their new sober lives. 


While insurance plans cover most or partial inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment, outpatient treatment is more affordable because clients don’t reside there or require amenities such as meals. For clients who have out-of-pocket treatment expenses, outpatient rehab may be a more affordable option. 

Individualized Plans

Clients who opt for outpatient therapy can choose to attend a more intensive treatment track or a less intensive track. Some people attend outpatient plans for roughly nine hours a week. Others may need considerably more time in therapy. Most rehabs allow clients to attend as often as needed and feature various treatment options that some clients might be interested in such as family therapy. 

Complements Inpatient Treatment

Many people who enroll in outpatient treatment programs have already completed inpatient detox or an inpatient treatment program. Outpatient programs can pick up where inpatient programs left off. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment centers and plans typically include the same or similar therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy, medication-assisted treatment, or other treatment types. Moving from inpatient to outpatient plans can be a relatively seamless experience for clients as their support needs diminish over time.

What To Expect During Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient addiction treatment involves individual counseling sessions and peer group treatment sessions. Clients who have attended inpatient therapy will find that these sessions are very much alike. However, individualized programs tend to meet clients wherever they are in their recovery journey. A client in detox may need support for coping with withdrawal symptoms whereas a person in outpatient therapy may require support for coping with work stressors. 

Outpatient rehab programs feature credentialed addiction specialists (or should) just as inpatient treatment centers do. Therapists will help clients to identify their triggers and find ways to manage them successfully so they don’t cause relapse. Whether attending inpatient or outpatient treatment, clients should expect to be treated with dignity and respect and to get help ending their dependence on drugs or alcohol for good.

How Long Does Outpatient Rehab Beverly Hills Last With Sylvan Detox?

Outpatient treatment programs at our partnering rehabs in Beverly Hills generally last 30, 60, or 90 days. It’s not uncommon for clients to find that they want to continue treatment after the 30-day mark because it’s supportive and can help them as they rebuild their lives. Recovering from an addiction is a long-term process. Spending a few months in treatment provides a solid foundation for recovery, but the recovery period can last upwards of a year as clients become more adept at managing their triggers and keeping relapse at bay.

Medical researchers have shown that the longer a person can spend in formal addiction therapy, the less likely they are to relapse. A person who still feels unstable should consider extending their therapy for an addiction month to help them as they rebuild their lives and get used to sober living. 

IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program)

An intensive outpatient treatment IOP program usually involves rehab attendance of about 10 hours per week. In some cases, this time commitment diminishes by the end of the program. An IOP is ideal for clients who want to keep going to work or school or require a highly flexible program. Clients can attend their scheduled therapy sessions and then leave rehab to go to work or head home. There are also outpatient programs that require less attendance each week. The idea is to choose an outpatient program that suits your support needs. 

PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program)

A partial hospitalization PHP program provides a high degree of support. Clients can expect to spend about 20 hours each week at rehab during this program. PHP programs tend to be daylong programs where clients arrive in the morning and leave by evening to go home. PHP programs provide intensive therapy but without the residential commitment. They are ideal for clients who feel unstable and need a high degree of support, but still, wish to reside at home. It’s not uncommon for clients in a PHP program to later transition to an IOP or another type of outpatient treatment plan depending on their support needs. 

Which Outpatient Treatment, IOP or PHP Is Right For Me?

Choosing between IOP and PHP involves deciding how much support is needed. A client who has already completed detox and inpatient therapy may find that an IOP, with its more flexible scheduling, is a better fit for their needs. Someone who has not enrolled in an inpatient plan and is just beginning their recovery journey can benefit from the more robust support of a PHP treatment plan. 

If you’re not sure which to choose, you can consult with an addiction specialist at Sylvan Rehab. Having an evaluation and discussing your circumstances will allow clinicians to recommend the ideal solutions for you. Both inpatient and the various outpatient treatment plans are highly effective but work best for people who are at certain stages of recovery. 

Also, don’t discount an inpatient treatment program if you’re just starting therapy and feel vulnerable to relapse. Inpatient treatment plans allow you to immerse yourself in treatment and get away from all the distractions of your life so you can focus–finally focus on your health and well-being. In time, you’ll grow in stability and the ability to manage your condition. You’ll feel ready to return to your life and make your goals for sober living a reality. 

Why Choose Sylvan Detox for Intensive Outpatient Treatment or Partial Health Programs

Sylvan Detox offers medical detox and inpatient addiction treatment for clients who are suffering from substance use disorders like illicit drug addiction or prescription drug addiction. We do not offer outpatient programs at our rehab but many of our network partners do offer PHP and IOP programs. You can visit us and we can help you select the ideal plan for your needs. 

At Sylvan and our network partnering rehabs, we believe strongly in individualized treatment. Some clients have a dual diagnosis and require both substance abuse treatment and mental health treatment. Each person brings a unique set of circumstances with them, and our therapists are here to help them manage their unique circumstances and triggers so they can ward off relapse and rebuild their lives. 

Don’t put off addiction treatment until another day. Contact Sylvan Detox to discuss our treatment plans and enrollment process. Some clients enroll to complete detox with us before transitioning to an outpatient plan. Call us to learn more about your treatment options today.